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HIstoric Walking Tours

The Logan Historic District is a significant representative of a southeastern Ohio town that was associated with industry and mineral extraction during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It meets Criterion A for its association with local broad patterns of history, including commerce, industry, and settlement.  The district also meets Criterion C for architecture. Logan has an intact collection of mid 1800s to mid 1900s architectural styles and building types. Popular late 19th century and early 20th century architectural styles, as well as vernacular building types, are present within the district. Additionally, locally produced clay materials, such as glazed tile blocks, differing brick types, rusticated concrete block, and paver-bricks are present in many locations in the historic district.

The nominated district is comprised of Logan's historic commercial district and adjacent residential streets. In addition to commercial and residential properties, the district also contains significant institutional buildings such as churches, government buildings, and fraternal buildings. The Period of Significance, c.1831-1960, begins with the construction date of the George Smith House and ends with the 50-year cut-off for National Register listing. Three eras of development occurred in Logan during the Period of Significance and the historic district reflects these eras and the predominant themes associated with those time periods. Logan’s development and history can be roughly divided into the eras of early settlement and the canal, the railroad and clay industry, and the Depression and post WWII.

Welcome to Logan, Ohio and scenic Hocking County. These walking tours have been designed to assist you in learning about Logan’s cultural, historical and architectural heritage. Each tour takes about 45 minutes to complete, and each starts at Worthington Park in downtown Logan, across from the courthouse.  If you would like to print this information off, please download our PDF version. We have it with and without pictures. A separate Hilltop Tour is available for those wanting to explore more of Logan's rich history.  Tour information is printed in our historic walking tour brochures. Printed brochures can be picked up at the Hocking County Historical Museum, Savings Hardware, The Bowen House, Hocking Hills Fro-Yo, Maya Burrito, and at local hotels.

Are you interested in learning more about the history of Logan?

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